Wednesday, December 31, 2008


This is what 2008 was like for me. Thank you Siouxsie And The Banshees


Got to give up life in this netherworld
got to go up to where the air is stale
and live a life of pleasantrie
mingle in the modern families
Overground-from abnormality
Overboard-for identity
Overground-for normality
Overboard-on identity

This limbo is no place
to be a digit (in)-Another space
in another crowd
I'm nameless bound

Overground-from abnormality
Overboard-for identity
Overground-for normality
Overboard-on-for identity

Overground-I'll be worse than me
Overground-it's clear to me

I'll be worse than me

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Dea´s Macrocosm

Dea´s Macrocosm has no limits, laws, preconceived ideas. In her space we are not product of society, history or media....WE ARE. Reality has many dimensions and we can walk on ceilings, walls and floors....WALKING is just language technicality. Freedom unknown to men, and where language is not a barrier nor the creation of anything...our thoughts domain.

Andy Warhol´s look-a-like lives among us (so they say), because in this space we are unaware of who Andy is...however we agree he must have tremendous personality.

Black and white halls, a dual dimension.

A hammer, a man with a needle in his forehead, keys......all in their own new context. Different perceptions. Different thoughts. Different attitudes...but most importantly it is all relative.

The mirror does not reflect us, for we are not matter but something more...spirits of a sort.

And when Dea is materialized she is a narcissistic poet with intimidating talent.

Oh, and who is that she is showing affection to? No one other than Karime....her chicken-women-castrated-amputated-phallic-object of desire-and so much more.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

O Tristan, Where Art Thou?

The Great Lament Of My Obscurity Three

where we live the flowers of the clocks catch fire and the plumes encircle the brightness in the distant sulphur morning the cows lick the salt lilies
my son
my son
let us always shuffle through the colour of the world
which looks bluer than the subway and astronomy
we are too thin
we have no mouth
our legs are stiff and knock together
our faces are formeless like the stars
crystal points without strength burned basilica
mad : the zigzags crack
bite the rigging liquefy
the arc
towards the north through its double fruit
like raw flesh
hunger fire blood

Tristan Tzara

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Superhuman Dealer

Today I met the Superhuman Dealer.
The Superhuman Dealer said he’s been doing yoga for 12 years.
He is also a magician, but couldn’t talk about it....its forbidden.
He also practices Kabala and mentioned Quiron.
He said he was a junkie, but yoga and spirituality cleaned him up.
I was confused so I asked can you be spiritual, clean, and sell drugs?
To what he replied....if you understand Nietzsche’s Superhuman, and the law of cause=effect then you will understand.
I said I didn’t understand.
He said he was going for a magic book and coming back.
He never came back

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Lie To Me

Tom Waits


Friday, December 12, 2008

Letter to globalization

Dear Globalization,

I’m writing just to let you know that I think you are extremely detrimental to culture, and originality. You have managed to create an almost homogenized global culture, and you have spread western ideas so widely that almost all modern countries or cultures are defined by aspects of western culture (just what the world needs........ideas of “progress¨”, “freedom”, “democracy”……ideas deriving from tampered information for social control.) Anyways, not wanting to be a hypocrite I will accept that I am a product of globalization and will not complain (thank you Internet).

p.s. I just realized that the purpose of this letter is that it really has no purpose. Sorry that I made you read it.



Monday, December 8, 2008

Mommy Dearest.........are you happy now?

My mom has 171 books in her bookshelf. 157 of them are about self improvement.


Adulthood Crisis

From Darkness To Light

When Food Becomes A Substituve For Love

In Search Of Peace

The Power Of Now

p.s. I just wish you had one titled ¨ Overcoming Menopause¨

Thursday, December 4, 2008

In memory of Jdimytai Damour

Jdimytai Damour was a Wal-Mart employee who got killed on Black Friday by a stampede of shoppers (animals) who smashed through the store's front doors and trampled him.
It is obscene that people have no regard for human life, when it comes to satisfying the psychological needs! The economy is in a recession and funds are low for everyone; however, to spend your last dollar and take someone's life, JUST TO GET A "DEAL," is far beyond my understanding.....And to those who were there and did nothing about it I just have one thing to say....FUCK YOU

I send my condolences to his family.

Monday, December 1, 2008

My 22nd "surprise" birthday party

Thank you to my friends who are organizing a "surprise" party for me on Wednesday. Now if I had ever given you my blog's URL when you asked for it you would know that I know about my surprise party. I will see you on Wednesday and fake excitement. Note to all, I hate surprise birthday parties. I love you all and this post is dedicated to all of you (after all, I don't want to ruin your surprise and I will be very very very surprised)

I love all of you and thank you darlings!

Dedicated to my favorite person

Te amo

Mr. Poppins

I love you Mr. Poppins